We source the best candidates for growing companies
Senior Recruiting: Developers, Sales, Marketing
Offshoring: Support, Research, Fulfillment, AI and LLM verification


Acutehat is a contingency recruitment firm that works directly with companies to source and refer candidates. We sign a contract with the company and only charge a commission upon successfully hiring a candidate that we refer.
Hiring is important. A company is a collection of people and processes—and having great people is essential to success. Bad employees lead to inefficiency and poor work culture. However, a great interview process can drastically improve your chances of making a great hire.
The biggest mistake that hiring managers make is judging candidates based on their ability to give good interviews. They let feelings, biases, stereotypes, and first impressions guide their decision-making. To recruit and hire the best people, set up a system based on knowing what the job entails. This is Power Hiring, which suggests screening five basic components